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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Edward Jackson International Travel Award
UNC Hussman School of Journalism and Media
PO Box 3365
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone Number (919)962-1204
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Prize
Purpose To supports an undergraduate journalism major, preferably from North Carolina, to travel or work abroad during the summer; the fund honors Ed Jackson, a veteran foreign correspondent for United Press International and time magazine.
Focus Communications; Journalism.
Qualifications Applicants must be current UNC students who have pre-declared or are enrolled in the school of media and journalism; must be a resident of North Carolina.
Criteria Selection will be based on their academic interests, geographic location, financial need and programs of study.
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must submit a completed special application form, available at the website.
Deadline February 1.
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