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Career cluster / Industry videos

Education and Training Occupations
Education and Training Occupations

Careers in Education and Training relate to planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services. 

The education and training cluster offers many meaningful career options that make a difference in others’ lives through the relationships, learning environments, and experiences they provide.
Educators are challenged to balance the needs of their students with multiple demands, such as limited resources, program requirements, performance standards, and the expectations of their communities. Most careers in this cluster have a bright outlook over the next ten years. Jobs in corporate training and development roles are also expected to grow.
Careers available with technical training or an associate’s degree include teacher assistants, library technicians, and preschool teachers.
Fields that require a bachelor’s or graduate degree include teachers, college professors, education administrators, museum curators, corporate trainers, librarians, fitness and wellness coordinators, and instructional designers.
Some careers have different requirements based on the particular job and employer. These include tutors, literacy and English as a Second Language teachers, coaches and scouts, museum technicians, kindergarten teachers, interpreters, and translators.
Is a career in Education and Training for you? Keep these points in mind:
  • Public school teachers must pass their state’s licensure requirements to teach.
  • College and university faculty are taking more of a role to help prepare students for their eventual careers beyond their college degree.
  • Corporate training plays a major role in employee development and job satisfaction at many organizations.
  • Library workers often share a love of reading with a desire to help others through access to information.