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In The News

In The News

As an employer, you constantly look for creative ways to fill positions and retain talented employees. You seek candidates who:

✓ Possess the technical skills you need.

✓ Are reliable, competent, efficient, and professional.

✓ Will remain loyal and want to grow with your company.

✓ Are excellent communicators and team players.

The truth is that many men, women, and youth with past criminal histories own these attributes and are ready to help your business or organization succeed. That being said, there have been roadblocks that have prevented these individuals from succeeding in the workplace. Take a look at the following Successful Hiring Practices and Training Success to see how this talent is being harnessed in innovative ways. Listen as employers, service providers, and individuals with past criminal histories change the paradigm from “Ex-offenders need not apply” to “This is a labor pool that deserves serious consideration.”

Successful Hiring Practices

Training Success