Banner: Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Dr. John Schrock and Mary Berube Healthcare Scholarship Fund
Duluth Superior Area Community Foundation
324 W Superior St., Ste. 700
Duluth, MN 55802
Phone Number (218)726-0232
Level of Study Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support students from Northwestern High School in Maple who seek careers in health care.
Focus Health care services; Health sciences.
Qualifications Applicants must be a graduate or graduating senior of Northwestern who is accepted to enter a two- or four-year college or university; must be pursuing a career in health care; must have a minimum 2.8 GPA; and demonstrate financial need.
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applications must be completed online and submitted with all required documents.
Contact Email:; URL:
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