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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
NAPRHSW Scholarships
National Association of Puerto Rican Hispanic Social Workers
PO Box 651
Brentwood, NY 11717
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide educational support to Latino students pursuing Masters of Social Work degrees.
Focus Social sciences.
Qualifications Applicant must be a first-year Masters of Social Work student who attends one of the following New York Universities: Adelphi University, Stony Brook University, Long Island University Post, Fordham University, and Columbia University. Applicant must be a Bilingual/Bicultural Spanish speaking student; must be available to represent the association and be a liaison between the association and his/her university; must be able to demonstrate a strong interest in community organization and community advocacy which could potentially impact the Latino Community; must be in need of financial assistance.
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Varies.
To Apply Application must include a cover page with vitals including name, address, email and telephone number; a current resume or bio; an n essay of no more than two pages, double spaced. Within the context of the essay, the following statement must be completed; one letter of recommendation from either a faculty member or field placement supervisor; a current transcript to demonstrate proficient academic performance; a letter from financial aid stating necessity.
Deadline February 9.
Contact Lois Logan; Email:; URL:
For more information
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