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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

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Search more than 8,000 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities.
We found 25 awards.
Results Filtered by:
Level of Study - Associate Degree
Award Type - Scholarship
Where You Will Study - International
Award Name Level Of Study Award Type Award Amount Deadline
Kaine Law
We developed the Growing Your Community Scholarship as a way to reward and encourage students who think about and implement ways to serve others. This can be something as simple as volunteering at a soup kitchen or as complex as creating your own non-profit.
There is no better way to assist others in improving their communities than by encouraging education, but schooling often costs a prohibitive amount of money. That’s why we offer $1,500 to the person who shows true dedication to their community.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers
Purposes: Distracted driving is one of the most significant causes of accidents involving young people, and it is our goal that this scholarship will get applicants to think critically about those dangers and how they can be avoided by staying focused while driving.

The attorneys at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers are proud to offer The 2022 Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers Focused Driver Scholarship to students who share their thoughts on how they can stay focused while behind the wheel. Applicants are encouraged to submit visuals to illustrate their ideas in a creative way. The applicant that most creatively and thoughtfully shares their ideas on staying focused while driving will win this $2,000 scholarship.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Purposes: StudyCorgi is launching its annual $1,500 scholarship to support
creative students in their movie-making skills.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers
Purposes: Many people have great ideas about making their community a better place for themselves and their neighbors. Still, not as many people seem to have a clear vision of where to start or how to accomplish real change. That is why the team at Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers wants to encourage students to think through how they could help their community and what steps they would have to take to do so.

The attorneys at Rastin Gluckstein Lawyers are excited to offer their Supporting the Community Scholarship! This scholarship will allow students to share their ideas on how to improve their community, and what steps they would take to accomplish this goal. To learn more about this scholarship, please visit our scholarship page.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
not available
Epilepsy Newfoundland and Labrador
Purposes: To widen horizons of ENL student members by providing financial support as they pursue college or university studies.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
not available
Burger King McLamore Foundation
Purposes: To provide help students offset the cost of attending college or post-secondary vocational/technical school.
Associate Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
McCleery Law Firm
Purposes: We believe that the legal profession is there to help and assist those in need but also feel that being active participants in our community is a must. With offices all over the state of Ohio, we have been able to help many individuals and families as they navigate the complexities of the legal system. Now, we want to hear from you and hear about the different and creative ways that you are able to give back to your community.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Locklizard Limited
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Royal Bank of Canada
Purposes: To support aboriginal students in Canada as they pursue post-secondary education.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Mesothelioma Hub
Purposes: To spread awareness about the dangers of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma.
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Professional Development
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