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        Certification Search Results: Certification Information
        IBM PowerHA SystemMirror V7.2.5 AIX Administrator Specialty
        Certification Description
        A candidate pursuing the PowerHA SystemMirror Administrator Specialty has knowledge and experience deploying PowerHA clusters, both within and across Datacenters, and a good understanding of various deployment methods. They should have hands-on experience administering the AIX operating system, have a good understanding of SAN and network infrastructures, and have some practical experience in deploying applications that are controlled by the cluster software.
        Certifying Organization
        Certification Details
        • More than two years of education or training after high school required?    Yes
        • More than two years of work experience required?    No
        • Oral or Written Exam Required?    Yes
        • Renewal Required?    Every 2 Year(s)
        • Renew through Re-Examination?    Yes
        Exam Details
        Third Party Exam Center
        More Certification Information