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        We found 10 certification(s) from 9 organization(s) for First-Line Supervisors of Passenger Attendants

        Results Filtered by :
        Industry - Administrative and Support Services
        Industry - Business Support Services
        Industry - Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services.

        Certification Name Certifying Organization Type
        APICS Certified Supply Chain Professional (CSCP)Third-party industry-endorsed.Related to Military Occupational Specialties. Association for Supply Chain Management Advanced
        Certified Professional Services Marketer (CPSM)Related to Military Occupational Specialties. Society for Marketing Professional Services Core
        Certified International Trade Marketing Specialist (CITMS) International Trade Certification Specialty
        Certified ANA Marketing Professional (CAMP) Association of National Advertisers Core
        Strategy Planning Professional (SPP)Related to Military Occupational Specialties. International Association for Strategy Professionals Advanced
        Strategy Management Professional (SMP)Related to Military Occupational Specialties. International Association for Strategy Professionals Advanced
        Certified Specialist in Trauma Registries (CSTR) American Trauma Society Specialty
        Certified Healthcare Financial Professional (CHFP) Healthcare Financial Management Association Advanced
        Oracle Accounting Hub Cloud 2023 Certified Implementation Professional (1Z0-1060-23) Oracle Corporation Product/Equipment
        Certified Green Purchasing Professional (CGPP) American Purchasing Society Specialty
        In Demand
        In-demand certification.
        Read more.
        Accredited by ANSI.
        This certification is accredited by ANSI.
        Read more.
        Third-party industry-endorsed.
        This certification is third-party industry-endorsed.
        Read more.
        Related to Job Corps training programs.
        This certification is related to Job Corps training programs. Read more.
        Military Occupations.
        This certification is related to military occupational specialties.
        Read more.
        Accredited by NCCA.
        This certification is accredited by NCCA.
        Read more.
        International Certification Accreditation Council.
        International Certification Accreditation Council Read more.