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License Finder

License Finder

CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist)
License Description General Information terms and Definitions: Nurse anesthetists have been providing anesthesia care to patients in the United States for more than 150 years. The CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist) credential came into existence in 1956. Education Requirements: The minimum education and experience required to become a CRNA include*: A baccalaureate or graduate degree in nursing or other appropriate major. An unencumbered license as a registered professional nurse and/or APRN in the United States or its territories. A minimum of one year full-time work experience, or its part-time equivalent, as a registered nurse in a critical care setting. Graduation with a minimum of a master's degree from a nurse anesthesia educational program accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs. As of August 2016, there were 115 accredited nurse anesthesia programs in the United States utilizing more than 2,100 active clinical sites; 46 nurse anesthesia programs are approved to award doctoral degrees for entry into practice. Nurse anesthesia programs range from 24-42 months, depending on university requirements. Programs include clinical settings and experiences. Pass the National Certification Examination following graduation. Recertification: CRNAs who certified or recertified in 2016 are now part of the National Board of Certification and Recertification for Nurse Anesthetists (NBCRNA) Continued Professional Certification (CPC) Program. The CPC Program consists of eight-year periods, with each period comprised of two four-year cycles. In addition to practice and licensure requirements, the program requires CRNAs to attain a minimum of 100 continuing education credits per 4 year cycle; complete educational modules in four content areas, including airway management technique, applied clinical pharmacology, human physiology and pathophysiology, and anesthesia equipment and technology; and pass a comprehensive examination every eight years. For CRNAs recertifying in 2017, the recertification requirements remain the same as previous recertification periods: a minimum of 40 hours of approved continuing education every two years, document substantial anesthesia practice, maintain current state licensure, and certify that they have not developed any conditions that could adversely affect their ability to practice anesthesia. After recertification in 2017, all CRNAs will be in the NBCRNA CPC Program.
Licensing Agency
MS Board of Nursing
713 Pear Orchard Road, Plaza II Suite 300
Ridgeland, MS 39157-0000
(601) 957 6300
Active Status Active
Certification Certification required
Continuing Education Continuing education required to maintain license
Criminal Record Background check required
Education Degree required
Exam Third-party exam required
License Type Stand-alone license
License Updated 08/14/2023
Physical Requirements No physical requirements
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