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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
CEE Cultural Diversity Grant
National Council of Teachers of English
340 N Neil St., Ste., No. 104
Champaign, IL 61820
Toll Free Number 877-369-6283
Phone Number (217)328-3870
Level of Study Professional Development
Award Type Grant
Purpose To increase participation in CEE on the part of teachers and teacher educators (including graduate students and student teachers) from historically underrepresented groups whose presence and whose contributions are central to the full realization of our professional goals.
Focus Education; English language and literature.
Qualifications Applicants should be member of NCTE and CEE; Any teacher, teacher educator, or prospective teacher (graduate students and student teachers) in the English language arts, who represents an historically underrepresented ethnic group in NCTE (African American, Asian American, Mexican American, Puerto Rican and other Latina/Latino American, and American Indian) who has not previously appeared as a presenter at an NCTE national conference and is a member of NCTE.
Criteria Selection will be based on Program Proposal and past accomplishments indicate the greatest potential for contributing to the mission of CEE.
Funds $500
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Up to 2.
To Apply Applicants should submit a brief letter of application explaining how you anticipate your presentation (include your accepted proposal title) benefiting your colleagues; A brief letter (no more than one page) describing your professional or pre-professional background; A brief letter of support from a senior colleague or mentor commenting on your accomplishments or promise as a teacher or teacher educator.
Deadline May 20.
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