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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
AIMS Short-term Research Grants
American Institute for Maghrib Studies
Marshall Bldg., Rm. 470
845 N Park Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85721-0158
Phone Number (520)626-6498
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Grant
Purpose To render fund for US scholars interested in conducting research on North Africa in any Maghrib country.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must be a U.S. citizen graduate student, independent scholar and faculty in all disciplines currently enrolled in a M.A. or Ph.D. program; and must be a member of AIMS at the time of application.
Criteria Recipients will be selected based on submitted application and proposal.
Funds $6,000
Duration Annual; 1-3 months.
To Apply Applicants should include completed grant application cover sheet; proposal or research design of no more than 1, 500 words; proposed itinerary with approximate dates; curriculum vitae, including indication of language proficiency and institutional affiliation; one page summary of the proposed research in either French or Arabic.
Deadline January 31.
Contact Email:
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