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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Car Detail Calgary Scholarship Program
Car Detail Calgary
2520 Centre Ave, Calgary, AB T2A 2L2, Canada
Phone Number 1(403) 371-7951
Level of Study Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Prize
Purpose Welcome to the Car Detail Calgary Scholarship Program! We believe in supporting the aspirations of students who are passionate about automotive care and detail. This scholarship aims to recognize and reward individuals committed to academic excellence and pursuing knowledge in the automotive industry.
Focus Demonstrate a passion for the automotive industry, especially in car detailing and care.
Qualifications To be eligible for the Car Detail Calgary Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:Be a current student enrolled in a USA/CA college, institute or university.

Demonstrate a passion for the automotive industry, especially in car detailing and care. Submit a well-researched and creative essay on the topic provided below.
Criteria ll applications will be reviewed by our experts based on the following criteria:

Creativity and Originality

Depth of Research

Quality of Writing

Relevance to the Topic
Funds $750
Duration One Year
Number of Awards 1
To Apply Write an 800-1000 word essay on the provided topic "Innovations in Car Detailing: The Impact on Vehicle Maintenance and Aesthetics". Submit your essay with your full name, contact information, and proof of enrolment at your current educational institution to "Car Detail Calgary Scholarship Application" in the subject line of your email.
Deadline February 20, 2025
For more information
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