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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
AASLD Autoimmune Liver Diseases Pilot Research Award
American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
1001 N Fairfax St., 4th Fl.
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone Number (703)299-9766
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Award Type Grant
Purpose To provide supplementary funding during the pilot phase of basic, translational or clinical research projects in autoimmune liver disease in preparation for future grant application.
Focus Health sciences; Medicine.
Qualifications Applicants must be have a faculty appointment and be at least three years from their first appointment at the Assistant Professor level up to an Associate Professor at the start date of the award (faculty start date must be July 1, 2020 or earlier); be a member of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) at the time of award application and maintain active membership for the duration of the award period; be able to devote at least 20% effort to the research project on which this application is based; individuals employed at the NIH, FDA, and CDC are not eligible to apply; if the Applicants is at the rank of Assistant Professor, they must have a mentor or co-mentor who is an AASLD member in good standing at the time of application and for the duration of the award period.
Criteria Candidates will be evaluated based upon their background, their commitment to a research career, the strength of their research project and the environment in which they will conduct the project. Applications will be reviewed based on the written materials submitted. Incomplete applications and applications that fail to adhere strictly to the instructions (including the submission deadline and page limitations) will not be reviewed. All decisions are final.
Funds $20,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applicants must be submit use pages 5-6 of this application as cover pages, include only the required documents and provide signatures as requested; include a header at the upper right corner of each page with your name (last name, first name) and award name; use half-inch margins. Do not use lettering smaller than 10 point; adhere to page limits and complete all sections, applications that do not meet the requirements, in content or format, will not be reviewed; the completed application, letters of support or commitment, and other documents as applicable must be combined in the order listed in the Required Documents section (pages 3-4) and submitted as one PDF document; submit the application via online.
Deadline December 5.
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