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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
The E. Alexander Bergstrom Memorial Research Award
Association of Field Ornithologists
c/o CLA
700 Pleasant St., 3rd Fl.
New Bedford, MA 02740
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Prize
Purpose To promote field studies of birds by supporting a specific research or analysis project.
Focus Ornithology.
Qualifications Applicant and/or their primary research supervisor must be a member of the Association of Field Ornithologists prior to the application deadline. Canadian and U.S. applicants must be non-professionals, undergraduates, and Masters degree candidates working in the United States or Canada; Latin American applicants must be non-professionals, undergraduates, and Masters degree candidates based AT Latin American institutions; candidates are all eligible for the Latin American competition.
Funds $1,500
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Varies.
To Apply Applications should be submitted in English; Latin American applications may be submitted in English, Spanish or Portuguese; you can now apply online.
Deadline January 15; July 15.
Contact Cecilia Kopuchian, Chair of the Bergstrom Awards Committee; Email:
For more information
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