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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
American GI Forum of San Jose Scholarships
San Jose American GI Forum
2212 Quimbly Rd.
San Jose, CA 95122
Level of Study High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide financial assistance to qualified students of Hispanic descent who reside in the County of Santa Clara, California.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must have a minimum grade point average of 2.5.
Funds $1,000
To Apply Applicants must submit completed application form; wallet size senior picture; official copy of high school transcript; biographical data sheet; an autobiographical essay; and a copy of parent's most recent Federal Income Tax or Student Aid Application for California. Essay must be typed and not exceeding two pages.
Contact San Jose GI Forum, Scholarship Foundation, Inc.; Address: 2212 Quimby Rd San Jose, California 95122; Phone: 408-926-7163; Email:
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