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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
CPYC/CNOA Youth Leadership Scholarship
California Narcotics Officers' Association
28245 Avenue Crocker, Ste. 230
Santa Clarita, CA 91355-1201
Toll Free Number 877-775-6272
Phone Number (661)775-6960
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support twelfth grade students who have engaged in meaningful leadership and citizenship volunteer activities during the past year.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must be a graduating high school senior; must be a California resident, and be the son, daughter or ward of an active or retired California peace officer to qualify.
Criteria Application assessment will be based on the following
Funds $500
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Application must submit complete the enclosed application form along with your essay containing 500 to 600 words on the importance of community service and how it affects the community as a whole; the essay must be written while you are monitored by a parent or guardian during a 120-minute time period; any notes used in the preparation of the essay must be submitted with the essay; Have your parent or guardian sign the enclosed certification that they personally monitored the writing of the essay; provide a letter from the organization in which you provided community service verifying the completion of a minimum of sixteen (16) hours of volunteer service; this letter should also include a description of the service provided, and how the service benefited the organization.
Contact California Narcotic Officers’ Association, 28245 Avenue Crocker, Suite # 230, Santa Clarita, Ca 91355-1201. Email:
For more information
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