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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Bill & Joan Cones Scholarship
Marion Community Foundation
504 S State St.
Marion, OH 43302
Phone Number (740)387-9704
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To supports River Valley seniors and graduates with special consideration to those pursuing a degree and career in the field of education.
Focus Education; General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must be graduating high school seniors or previous graduates who attended River Valley High School for a minimum of two years; must have a minimum 2.5 GPA (high school or college); must not be a relative of Robert Cones or Douglas Cones; must be high school 2.5+ HS GPA; if college: 2.5+ college GPA; a relative of Robert cones and Douglas cones not eligible.
Criteria Selection will be based on committee criteria.
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applicants must be submit a completed online application–with all necessary documentation, letters of recommendations, and essays–by the annual deadline; below is a sample of the information applicants are required to provide on the online application; address and county of residence; high School information; college or post-secondary plans; personal statement; financial information; two personal recommendations: one from a teacher or academic advisor and one from a community member.
Deadline February 24.
Contact Julie Prettyman, Marion Community Foundation, 504 South State Street, Marion, OH 43302; Phone: 740-387-9704; Email:
For more information
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