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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
The 2022 Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers Focused Driver Scholarship
Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers
125 St Pauls Blvd #510, Norfolk, VA 23510
Phone Number (757) 333-3333
Level of Study Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose Distracted driving is one of the most significant causes of accidents involving young people, and it is our goal that this scholarship will get applicants to think critically about those dangers and how they can be avoided by staying focused while driving.

The attorneys at Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers are proud to offer The 2022 Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers Focused Driver Scholarship to students who share their thoughts on how they can stay focused while behind the wheel. Applicants are encouraged to submit visuals to illustrate their ideas in a creative way. The applicant that most creatively and thoughtfully shares their ideas on staying focused while driving will win this $2,000 scholarship.
•To qualify for the Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers Focused Driver Scholarship, an applicant must currently be enrolled in a course of study at any accredited community or junior college, or an undergraduate or graduate degree program anywhere in the United States. Current high school students or GED holders who have been accepted for admission to a 4 year, community or junior college are also eligible.
•Candidates must be in good academic standing and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above.
•Eligible candidates must be able to demonstrate their strong commitment to staying focused while driving and be able to describe why focused driving is important and how to avoid distractions.
Funds $2,000
Duration One
Number of Awards One
To Apply
Scholarship application emails must include a subject line formatted as follows: NAME OF APPLICANT – 2022 COOPER HURLEY INJURY LAWYERS FOCUSED DRIVER SCHOLARSHIP.
Example Subject Line: John Smith – 2022 COOPER HURLEY INJURY LAWYERS FOCUSED DRIVER SCHOLARSHIP. The applicant’s personal essay, transcripts, and resume should also be attached to the email as separate and distinct file attachments.
Deadline July 15, 2022
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