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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Live Your Dream Award
Soroptimist International of Sequim
PO Box 126,
Sequim, WA 98382
Level of Study Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Professional Development
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To enable girls and women to complete their education and achieve economic empowerment.
Qualifications Be a woman or girl. Be the primary financial support for her dependents. Have financial need. Be enrolled in or accepted to a vocational/skills program or undergraduate degree program.
Preferred: have graduated from Sequim High School or have an official address in Sequim, WA.
Criteria Meets all qualifications and completes all parts of the application. Course of study and goal. Financial need. Personal reference.
Funds $2,000
Duration one year with possible second year
Number of Awards 2
To Apply
Complete the Live Your Dream Award application process at
-your-dream-awards/apply-for-the-live-your-dream-awards.html and submit with all required materials through the LYDA portal.
Live Your Dream Awards | Scholarships for Women - Soroptimist
The Live Your Dream Awards offers three levels of cash awards. Eligible applicants can submit their application between August 1 - November 15.Ultimately, a Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her ...
Deadline November 15, 2024
Contact or Soroptimist International of Sequim, PO Box126, Sequim WA 98382
For more information
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