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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
$1,500 Video Contest Scholarship for Students Who Enjoy Writing
Cool Club
16 Panteli Katelari St., Office 303
Nicosia 1097, Cyprus
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To assist aspiring writers with educational costs.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicant must be a high school, college, or university student from any country.
Criteria Selection is based on the video submitted which will be evaluated by an editorial team for creativity, usefulness, and production quality.
Funds $500
Number of Awards 2 in 2018.
To Apply Applicant must record an original video; criteria available on sponsor’s website. Applicant must like and share the contest video description on Facebook or Twitter and subscribe to the Cool. Club YouTube channel. The following should be sent to the sponsor via email: a link to the uploaded video, a screenshot proving the applicant's subscription to the Cool. Club YouTube channel, and the answer to the question "Where did you find out about the Cool. Club Contest?.
Deadline October 7.
Contact Email:; URL:
For more information
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