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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Audrey L. Wright Scholarship
Grand Rapids Community Foundation
185 Oakes St. SW
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Phone Number (616)454-1751
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide financial support to deserving undergraduate students pursuing degrees in foreign language or education.
Focus Education; Foreign languages.
Qualifications Applicants must be residents of Kent County (3 years minimum); must be pursuing an undergraduate degree in Foreign Language or Education; must have financial need; must have a minimum of 3.0 GPA.
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must complete the following: general online application; list of awards, volunteer activities, employment/school extra-curricular activities; academic transcript from most recent semester (High School Students must include first semester senior year). Applicants must also submit a personal essay that includes: reasons for choice of college, chosen course of study, career goals, plans for financing education, and information on past activities benefitting community. Application is available at
Deadline March 1.
Contact Ruth Bishop, Education Program Officer; Phone: 616-454-1751 Ext. 103; Email:
For more information
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