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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
United Health Foundation Diverse Scholars Initiative
National Association of Hispanic Nurses
7918 Jones Branch Dr., Ste. 300
McLean, VA 22102
Phone Number (919)573-5443
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To increase the number of primary care health providers ready to meet health care needs now and in the future by creating a more diverse health workforce and a more effective health care system, especially in under-served communities.
Focus Nursing.
Qualifications Applicants must be NAHN members who are currently enrolled in an accredited school of nursing and be U.S. citizens or legal residents of the United States; must have academic standing and a minimum GPA of 3.0.
Criteria Preference is given to students who are rising sophomores and above.
Funds $5,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must complete the application form available on the website; must provide the following supporting documents: one letter of recommendation from a faculty member outlining the applicant's future professional contribution to the nursing profession and potential to act as a role model for other aspiring nursing students; an essay (300 words or less) written by the student that reflects the qualifications and potential for leadership in nursing in the Hispanic community; a resume which includes earned certificates, awards and special honors; official transcript from applicant's college, university, or nursing program.
Deadline June 15.
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