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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Long-term International Fellowships
Conquer Cancer
2318 Mill Rd. Ste. 800
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone Number (571)483-1700
Award Type Fellowship
Purpose To provide early-career oncologists in low- to middle-income countries the support and resources needed to advance their training.
Focus Oncology.
Qualifications Applicants must be full member or international corresponding member of ASCO; must be physicians who have completed a subspecialty training program or the equivalent; must have less than 10 years of experience; must commit to returning to their home country within one year following the completion of the fellowship; must have a pre-existing relationship with a mentor of ASCO and are employed in U.S. or Canada.
Criteria Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds $115,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must accomplish their online application process submitted through the Application Portal. and submitted in accordance to the requirements and instructions of the Request for Proposals (RFP). All application materials must be in English and must include the following components: contact Information; project information; personal statement questions; biographical sketch; letter of recommendation from home institution; publications; budget; mentor information; the following must be completed by the mentor: fellowship description from US or Canadian mentor; mentor NIH biographical sketch; mentor letter of support; institutional approval facesheet, signed by host institution.
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