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Recreation Workers Career Video

Description: Conduct recreation activities with groups in public, private, or volunteer agencies or recreation facilities. Organize and promote activities, such as arts and crafts, sports, games, music, dramatics, social recreation, camping, and hobbies, taking into account the needs and interests of individual members.

Video Transcript

Recreation workers are experts in how to bring the fun. They plan and lead leisure events and activities for community groups or private organizations to help people enjoy themselves, improve fitness, and relax. Recreation workers design activities with their participants’ needs, interests, and physical abilities in mind. They might organize experiences such as games, crafts, sport events, music activities, or camping. Typical work locations for positions in this field include recreation centers, parks, summer camps, and nursing and residential care facilities. Some recreation workers promote activities on cruise ships or at correctional facilities. They also set up equipment and make sure participants follow safety rules. Recreation workers are trained in first aid and how to administer it when needed. They may train and supervise other workers or volunteers. Their work schedules often include weekends, part-time hours, and some jobs are seasonal-only. Strong leadership and communication skills are important in this field, as is an outgoing personality. Physical fitness and stamina are needed on the job, which may also include many hours in the outdoors. Some recreation worker positions require a bachelor’s degree, while for other jobs, candidates may qualify with a high school diploma and a few weeks of on-the-job training.