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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Mary Lou Fiala Fellowship
International Council of Shopping Centers Foundation
1251 Avenue of the Americas, 45th Fl.
New York, NY 10020-1104
Toll Free Number 844-728-4272
Phone Number (646)728-3800
Level of Study Graduate Degree
Award Type Fellowship
Purpose To support an outstanding professional with passion and commitment to retail real estate, and has the potential to make a lasting contribution to the industry.
Focus Real estate.
Qualifications Fellowship candidates must be ambitious, passionate and committed to career advancement in the retail real estate industry; must be 25-35 years of age; must have at least five years of work experience in the industry or a combination of 5 years of related graduate school study and retail real estate industry work (minimum 3 years of work experience); must be comfortable with public speaking; must be an ICSC member.
Criteria All applications are confidential and are reviewed by a selection committee.
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applications can be submitted online along with appraisal from an employer (current or previous).
Deadline May 3.
Contact Email:
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