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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Willard F. Cameron Scholarship
Community Foundation of Prince Edward Island
53 Water St.
Charlottetown, PE, Canada C1A 1A3
Toll Free Number 800-566-7307
Phone Number (902)892-3440
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support descendants of Masons from the PEI Grand Lodge who are pursuing post-secondary studies.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicant must be a graduate of a Canadian high school and a descendant of a Mason (living or deceased) in good standing under the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island; must be accepted to a Canadian college or university; must demonstrate financial need.
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Application must be completed through the online portal and must include all required supporting documents.
Deadline April 3.
Contact URL:
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