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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Syncrude/Athabasca University Aboriginal Scholarship
Syncrude Canada Ltd.
567 Snow Eagle Dr.
Fort McMurray, AB, Canada T9H 0B6
Toll Free Number 800-667-9494
Phone Number (780)790-5911
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide support the education of Aboriginal students.
Focus Business; Management; Science.
Qualifications Applicant must be a resident of Alberta and of Aboriginal ancestry (Status Indian/First Nations, Non-Status Indian/First Nations, Metis, or Inuit) as defined by the applicant’s Indigenous nation of origin; must be studying in the following degree programs through Athabasca University: Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Science.
Criteria Selection is based on financial need, academic performance and potential and community/extracurricular activities; preference will be given to applicants entering the first year of full-time studies.
Funds $2,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply For application information contact Athabasca University.
Deadline September 30.
Contact Email:; URL: ml.
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