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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Detroit Economic Club Scholarship
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
333 W Fort St., Ste. 2010
Detroit, MI 48226
Phone Number (313)961-6675
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide graduating seniors in Wayne, Oakland or Macomb counties who have overcome hardships to achieve personal goals.
Focus General studies/Field of study not specified.
Qualifications Applicants must be a graduate of a high school located in the City of Detroit, or Wayne, Oakland, or Macomb counties and entering their first year of college in the fall; employees of the community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and their dependents, members of the community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Board of Trustees and their dependents as well as the members of the Scholarship Advisory Committee and their dependents are ineligible for scholarship consideration; employees of the Detroit Economic Club and their dependents are also ineligible for scholarship consideration; recipients denied renewal no longer qualify for reapplication; once an Applicants has received a Detroit Economic Club Scholarship Program Award, they are eligible to reapply for scholarship aid for up to three additional years during which they remain a fulltime student in a degree/certificate program at an accredited educational institution and maintain a grade point.
Criteria Selection will be based on following
Funds $2,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Up to 2.
To Apply Applicants must complete and submit online application; a copy of the online FAFSA application must be submitted to the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan to determine the financial need of the applicant.
Deadline March 15.
Contact Phone: 313-961-6675 Email:
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