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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
North Carolina Association of Health Care Recruiters Scholarship
North Carolina Association of Health Care Recruitment
c/o Ms. Terry Bynum, Treasurer
494 May Farm Rd.
Pittsboro, NC 27312
Phone Number (984)214-2137
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To assist, encourage and enable deserving students currently enrolled in an accredited program for health professions.
Focus Health care services.
Qualifications Applicants must be full-time students in North Carolina who have been accepted into an accredited ADN, BSN or allied health program; preference will be given to students pursuing their degree in a North Carolina program.
Criteria Selection will be based on the committee's criteria.
Funds $1,500
To Apply Applicants must complete the Scholarship Application Program; all parts of the completed application must be submitted electronically; Proof of acceptance into the program in the form of a formal letter of acceptance; letter of verification from the Program Chairman; least two (2) appropriate recommendations; college instructors for students enrolled in a degree program; reference from friends or family are not sufficient; copy of the applicant's most recent official high school/college transcript.
Deadline October 13.
For more information
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