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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Ofield Dukes Multicultural Student Award
Public Relations Student Society of America
120 Wall St., 21st Fl.
New York, NY 10005-4024
Phone Number (212)460-1474
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To assist a member in pursuing undergraduate studies.
Focus Journalism; Public relations.
Qualifications Applicant must be a PRSSA member of African American/Black, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, Native American, Alaskan Native, or Pacific Islander ancestry; must be entering junior year of an undergraduate degree; must be enrolled in a journalism program, public relations studies, or courses preparing for a career in public relations; must have a minimum 3.0 GPA; must demonstrate the commitment to service and social responsibility that Ofield Dukes personified.
Criteria Selection will be based on: academic achievement in public relations and overall studies; specific examples of commitment to service and social responsibility (demonstrated by mentoring others or participating in community service activities) or specific examples of how applicant has worked to make the world a more equitable place; writing skills; awards or honors received for academic or extracurricular achievements.
Funds $1,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Application form and details are available online at -student-award/.
Deadline May 31.
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