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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
The Hoffman Agency HBCU Scholarship
The Hoffman Agency
746 the Alameda Suite 20
Phone Number 408.286.2611
Level of Study Associate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose The Hoffman Agencys HBCU Scholarship is a transformative scholarship program designed to support a California Community College student who transfers to a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to study communications. This would include majors under the communications umbrella such as Public Relations, English, Journalism, Media Studies or Marketing. This scholarship will cover tuition and fees for the recipients junior and senior year at an HBCU (two years).

The goal of this scholarship is to increase diversity in the communications industry. We invite students with a passion for communications to apply.
Focus Communications/PR/Marketing/Journalism/English/Media Studies
Qualifications The Selection Process and Requirements
We are looking to reward a California Communicate College student transferring to an HBCU who:

* Cares about others and their surrounding community
* Values education
* Shows a passion for language and communications.

1. Applicants must be currently enrolled at a California Community College during the 2023-2024 academic year.
2. Applicants must provide a letter of acceptance from one of the 39 HBCU partners that participate in the California Community College Guarantee to Historically Black Colleges and Universities.
3. Applicants must major in a discipline that fall under the communications umbrella at their attending HBCU
4. Applicants must complete the application process by March 15, 2024
5. The Selection Council reviews the applications and identifies the top candidates in March.
6. Heather and Lou Hoffman, co-founders of The Hoffman Agency, interview three candidates and announce the scholarship recipient in April.
Duration One Year
Number of Awards 1
To Apply Online through the link. Just answer the questions at the bottom of the page.
Deadline March 15, 2024
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