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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Women's Jewelry Association Member Grants
Women's Jewelry Association
125 Park Ave., 25th Fl., Ste. 2511
New York, NY 10017
Phone Number (845)473-7324
Level of Study Professional Development
Award Type Grant
Purpose To provide educational assistance to students in the international jewelry, watch and related industries.
Focus Design; Fashion design.
Qualifications Available to female or female-identifying, professional-level WJA members. Student-level members are NOT eligible for member grants and are encouraged to apply for WJA Scholarships. Each qualifying WJA member may submit only one grant application in a twelve-month period.
Criteria Grants are given through a random drawing conducted by the WJA Member Grant Committee.
Funds $500
Duration Annual.
To Apply Application details are available online.
Deadline November 7.
Contact Email Rachel Jurisz, WJA Membership Coordinator, at; URL:
For more information
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