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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
WIFLE Scholarship Program
Women in Federal Law Enforcement, Inc.
2200 Wilson Blvd. PMB-204, Ste. 102
Arlington, VA 22201
Phone Number (301)805-2180
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Professional Development
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support women who are interested in pursuing a career in the field of law enforcement and to foster the professional development of those engaged in Law Enforcement.
Focus Law enforcement.
Qualifications Applicants must be citizens of the United States; be full-time students at an accredited four-year college or university, or be currently enrolled in a full-time in a fully accredited community college with the intention of transferring to a four-year degree; have completed at least one full academic year of college work at an accredited college or university or community college; have a minimum 3.0 overall grade point (GPA) average; and, be majoring in Criminal Justice or related discipline such as social sciences, public administration, computer science, finance, linguistic arts, chemistry, physics, etc., leading to a four-year degree.
Criteria Selection will be based on academic potential, achievement and commitment to serving communities in the field of law enforcement.
Funds $1,500
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicant must submit a completed application with all the required information, a 500-word essay, transcripts, and a recommendation letter from a community leader or police official. Application form can be downloaded online.
Deadline May 3.
Contact URL:
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