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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Pan Pacific Law Enforcement Scholarships
San Diego Pan-Pacific Law Enforcement Association
PO Box 122924
San Diego, CA 92112
Level of Study Graduate Degree
High School
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To assist qualifying and deserving students of character, who demonstrates a sincere desire to further their education.
Focus Law enforcement.
Qualifications Applicants must be a graduating high school senior with a full-time attendance record or a continuing student at a university or college.; applicant must be a dependent of a PANPAC member or a member of the San Diego Asian youth organization; applicant must have maintained a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 throughout high school or a minimum G.P.A. of 3.0 while enrolled at a university or college.
Criteria Selection will be based on the committee criteria.
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards Varies.
To Apply Application must be submitted email; must be PANPAC scholarship application must include all of the following documents: completed application; autobiography (one – page maximum, 12-font, 1-inch margins); high School or college transcript (must show current enrollment); letter of recommendation from a community, school, or government leader; a 250-word essay on how do you see the role of law enforcement in today’s society and what impact does it have on the Asian and pacific islander communities; applicant must submit a complete PANPAC scholarship application along with the required documents.
Deadline May 31.
Contact PO Box 122924, San Diego, CA 92112; Email:
For more information
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