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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
National Dental Hygienists' Association Scholarships
National Dental Hygienists' Association
366 E Gorgas Ln.
Philadelphia, PA 19119
Phone Number (202)670-3467
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To increase interest in dental hygiene particularly among African American students by providing financial assistance.
Focus Dental hygiene.
Qualifications Applicants must be a GPA of 2.5 or greater; must be enrolled in dental hygiene program in good standing; African/African –American descent United States citizen; permanent resident status required; candidate must have been a member of NDHA for three consecutive years PRIOR to the application submission and current dental hygiene membership dues paid (not valid with student membership); candidate must have graduated from a CODA accredited dental hygiene program with an Associate or Bachelor Degree; candidate must possess proof of an active dental hygiene license; candidate must demonstrate proof of full-time or part-time enrollment in a fully accredited on-line program or fully accredited an on-the-ground program (Master’s or Doctoral program in Admin, Ed, Science, Leadership, and/or Public Heath); candidate CANNOT be an NDHA board member.
Funds $500
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must be submit Applications form electronically; Two letters of recommendations: One from dental hygiene faculty on official school letterhead; One from non-family/personal reference; Recent passport type photo – COLOR – Head Shot; Financial need - (complete page 7) – Financial need may be taken into consideration for final determination of award; State need.
Deadline April 15.
Contact National Dental Association Foundation c/o Dr. Bertram J. Hughes 4714 SW 97th Terrace Gainesville, FL 32608.
For more information
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