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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
A Balanced Life Scholarship
Life Reimagined Scholarships
2460 17th Avenue #1051
Phone Number 858-264-3028
Level of Study Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
Graduate Degree
High School
Professional Development
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose Deciding how to spend your time and effort may not always be easy, but it’s what makes living so fun. We all have virtually infinite paths we can walk, and the gift of life is to slowly unearth a path that makes us tick. To encourage people to think more deeply about what they want out of life, this scholarship will support one person from any background or educational level who is committed to making the most of their time on this spinning rock. 
Qualifications The scholarship is open to all students and non-students from any field of study.
Criteria Completeness of their application profile and the degree to which a student exhibits an understanding and thoughtfulness about applying balance in their pursuit of a good life.
Funds $1,000
Duration 1 Year
Number of Awards 1
To Apply Learn how to apply at:
Deadline September 30, 2024
For more information
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