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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Marjorie Rose Warren Scholarship
The San Diego Foundation
2508 Historic Decatur Rd., Ste. 200
San Diego, CA 92106
Phone Number (619)235-2300
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support students at San Diego State University who are working towards their teaching credentials to become public school teachers.
Focus Education; Teaching.
Qualifications Applicants must have resided in San Diego county at least one year; be a current San Diego State University student pursuing their teaching credentials and/or student teaching at a public school with the goal of careers as K-12 public school teachers; have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0; and demonstrate financial need.
Funds $2,500
Number of Awards 2.
To Apply Application details available via email.
Deadline March 8.
Contact Email:; URL:
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