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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
Peridian International, Inc./Rae L. Price, FASLA Scholarships
Landscape Architecture Foundation
1200 17th St. NW, Ste. 210
Washington, DC 20036
Phone Number (202)331-7070
Level of Study Bachelor's Degree
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To support profession of landscape architecture by helping to bring young creative individuals into the profession who may not otherwise have the financial ability to cover all the costs of their educational program.
Focus Landscape architecture and design.
Qualifications Applicants must be United States citizens who are undergraduate students in the final two years of study in landscape architecture at Cal Poly Pomona or Cal Poly San Luis Obispo -or- are pursuing a landscape architecture certificate at UCLA extension; applicants must demonstrate financial need and a minimum grade point average of “B.”.
Criteria Selection will be based on the aforementioned applicants' qualifications and compliance with the application details.
Funds $5,000
Duration Annual.
Number of Awards 1.
To Apply Applicants must submit an general submission form; Photo; Bio for the LAF website (150 word max); resume (2 page max); financial aid form; 2 letters of recommendation; essay (2 page max).
Deadline February 1.
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