Banner: Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
H.H. Harris Foundation Scholarship
American Foundry Society
1695 North Penny Ln.
Schaumburg, IL 60173
Toll Free Number 800-537-4237
Phone Number (847)824-0181
Level of Study Professional Development
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide scholarships and other forms of educational aid to students and professionals in the metallurgical and casting of metals field.
Focus Metallurgy.
Qualifications Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
Criteria Recipients will be selected based on submitted application.
Funds $1,000
Duration Annual.
To Apply Applicants must fill out the application form and are required to submit two letters of reference and must submit a signed copy of application; must use the current application. included in this pdf. old forms will not be accepted; all parts of the application form are important for the Foundation Members' consideration and should be completed with care; must submit in electronic email; no handwritten applications.
Deadline May 27.
Contact Charles L. Michod, Jr., Trustee, Email:
For more information
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