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Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder
David A. Couch Memorial Scholarship
Parkersburg Area Community Foundation
1620 Park Ave.
Parkersburg, WV 26102-1762
Toll Free Number 866-428-4438
Phone Number (304)428-4438
Award Type Scholarship
Purpose To provide financial assistance to qualified individuals intending to pursue studies involving massage therapy or physical or occupational therapy.
Focus Occupational therapy; Physical therapy.
Qualifications Applicants must be a student who has a personal commitment to service to individuals whose lives are affected by ALS or other neuromuscular or disabling diseases, as evidenced by volunteer or community service.
Criteria Selection will be based on personal commitment to service for individuals whose lives are affected by ALS or other neuromuscular or disabling disease, as evidenced by related volunteer or community service to individuals whose lives are affected by these diseases or for organizations serving individuals whose lives are affected.
Duration Annual.
To Apply Application form and details are available at
Deadline March 1.
Contact Jennifer Randolph, Phone: 304-428-4438, Email:
For more information
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