Banner: Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Scholarship Finder

Search more than 9,500 scholarships, fellowships, grants, and other financial aid award opportunities. You can:

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Scholarship sponsors may change their deadlines and eligibility criteria without notifying CareerOneStop, so be sure to confirm the most current guidelines by checking the scholarship website.

We found 4 awards.
Results Filtered by:
Level of Study - High School
Affiliation Required - Asian American
Award Name Level Of Study Award Type Award Amount Deadline
Best Best & Krieger LLP
Purposes: To honor of the late Art Littleworth, a longtime BB&K partner, water law and policy visionary, and respected civil rights advocate. Through this program, BB&K and ACWA will annually award one $10,000 scholarship, disbursed evenly over a four-year period, to a qualified undergraduate student of diverse or underrepresented background who, by demonstrating a passion for and career trajectory in water law, and commitment to diversity and inclusion, will bolster public administration in California.
Bachelor's Degree
High School
Association of California Water Agencies
Purposes: To honor of the late Art Littleworth, a longtime BB&K partner, water law and policy visionary, and respected civil rights advocate. Through this program, BB&K and ACWA will annually award one $10,000 scholarship, disbursed evenly over a four-year period, to a qualified undergraduate student of diverse or underrepresented background who, by demonstrating a passion for and career trajectory in water law, and commitment to diversity and inclusion, will bolster public administration in California.
Bachelor's Degree
High School
Institute of Transportation Engineers
Associate Degree
Bachelor's Degree
High School
San Diego Pan-Pacific Law Enforcement Association
Purposes: To assist qualifying and deserving students of character, who demonstrates a sincere desire to further their education.
Graduate Degree
High School
not available
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