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Brownfield Redevelopment Specialists and Site Managers Career Video

Description: Plan and direct cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated properties for reuse. Does not include properties sufficiently contaminated to qualify as Superfund sites.

Video Transcript

Abandoned factories, military test sites, and old mines are eyesores, but they can also be hazardous to the health of people and the environment. Brownfield redevelopment specialists and site managers oversee efforts to make contaminated land livable again. These professionals use strong analytical skills to perform environmental impact assessments and take a close look at what it will cost to remove pollutants from the land so it can be used again. If the project is a go, they may plan for building demolition, cleanup, and new construction after applying for the proper permits. Most of these specialists work for construction companies, engineering firms, economic and land developers, and environmental groups. Brownfield redevelopment managers need help to accomplish their plans, and hire specialists like hydrologists, GIS technicians, and environmental engineers. Though outdoors at project sites some of the time, most managers do more work indoors, delivering progress reports to their clients. They must have a clear understanding of government regulations and compliance requirements. Entering the field requires a bachelor’s degree, with a background in environmental science, field experience, and some on-the-job training. Long hours are sometimes required to meet project deadlines.