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Dishwashers Career Video

Description: Clean dishes, kitchen, food preparation equipment, or utensils.

Video Transcript

In the back of restaurant kitchens across the country, dishwashers are keeping plates and glasses clean, and pots and pans in service. Dishwashers wash everything that gets dirty in the kitchen, operating automatic dishwashers, and hand washing items that require it. As the most entry-level position in many restaurants, dishwashers may be responsible for all sorts of odd jobs necessary to keep the kitchen running. They take out the trash and sweep or scrub the floors, unload deliveries, stock supplies, set up the dining room, and may be asked to prepare some food items. Small cuts or burns are very common in kitchens, and dishwashers typically wear gloves at work. Most dishwashers work part time and it’s not uncommon for workers to stay in the job a short time. Dishwasher positions typically do not have specific education requirements. Many people find seasonal work as dishwashers, or begin their careers in the restaurant industry by washing dishes.