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Career Videos

Advertising Sales Agents Career Video

Description: Sell or solicit advertising space, time, or media in publications, signage, TV, radio, or Internet establishments or public spaces.

Video Transcript

People in sales careers often talk about the thrill of “closing a deal”— that point when customers commit to buying whatever they’re selling. Advertising sales agents sell advertising space to businesses and individuals to expand the public’s awareness of products and services. They sell ads for online and print editions of publications such as newspapers and magazines, radio, television, billboards, and more. Because their income and job security both depend on it, these sales agents invest a lot of their time building relationships with their customers. They research and analyze clients’ needs, and prepare creative, persuasive materials to encourage them to buy advertising. Many need to meet sales goals, so are continuously on the lookout for sources of new clients, making phone calls and office visits to interest them in advertising. Agents need to keep detailed contact and communication records, and be prepared to draft advertising contracts for clients. They also need to represent their employer reliably and answer any questions a client may have. Good communication skills are essential for the field. Most advertising sales agents work full time, but many work weekends and holidays, or irregular schedules. Most entry-level positions require a bachelor’s degree in a field such as marketing or communications, and a proven record of success in sales.