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FAQs - Find Training

FAQs - Find Training

How do I get started finding a training program?

Get started at any of the sections below:

  • Visit Types of training to learn more about options and search for a training program that best meets your needs.
  • Visit Pay for training to learn how to calculate training expenses and how to get help paying for them.
  • Visit Find your path to evaluate your options and set your own education goals.

Is there money for training?

Yes, you may be eligible for financial aid or other benefits to help cover the costs of training. Learn more at Pay for training .

Is the cost of training worth the investment?

It’s true that training can be expensive, but research shows that people with more education earn more money in their lifetime. Learn more at Is education worth it?

How should I decide on a program or major for school?

Get started by setting your education goals. Once you have a goal in mind, you can learn more about what to look for in a college and also get tips of making your training pay off.

Where can I find apprenticeship programs?

Visit to search for apprenticeship opportunities near you.

What is accreditation?

Accreditation refers to the process through which colleges and other institutions of higher education are credentialed. Learn more about this process and find lists of approved accrediting agencies at the U.S. Department of Education's Database of Accredited Programs and Institutions.

What are the levels of education and training information? How are occupations matched to education and training information?

Occupations are matched to one of eleven education and training levels. The eleven education and training levels are as follows:

Postsecondary awards

  • First-professional degree
  • Doctoral degree
  • Master's degree
  • Bachelor's or higher degree, plus work experience
  • Bachelor's degree
  • Associate degree
  • Postsecondary vocational award

Work-related training

  • Work experience in a related occupation
  • Long-term on-the-job training
  • Moderate-term on-the-job training
  • Short term on-the-job training

Occupations are matched to education and training levels based on the following:

  • An occupation is matched to the group that best describes the education or training needed by most workers to become fully qualified.
  • Postsecondary awards, if generally needed for entry into the occupation, take precedence over work-related training even though additional skills or experience may be needed for a worker to become fully qualified.
  • The length of time an average worker generally needs to become fully qualified through a combination of on-the-job training and experience is used to categorize occupations in which a postsecondary award is not needed for entry.

For more detailed information about the education and training levels, refer to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website.

What is the difference between short-term on-the-job training, moderate-term on-the-job training, and long-term on-the-job training?

Short-term on-the-job training is where the worker develops the needed skills after a brief demonstration of job duties or up to one month of paid on-the-job experience or instruction. Moderate-term on-the-job training involves one to twelve months of combined paid on-the-job experience and informal training. In long-term on-the-job training, workers receive instruction for more than one year while employed in an occupation.

What does the Education and Training level 'Postsecondary Vocational Training' mean?

This refers to vocational (occupation-based) school training above and beyond the high school level, which may also require passing an examination after completing the training.

What is the source of the education and training data?

The typical education and training level data is provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Office of Employment Projections, while the typical instructional program level data is provided by the National Center for Education Statistics.