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Find military and other records

Find military and other records

Need to locate an important record?

Simplify your search with the links below.

Civilian records

Follow the links below to request copies for vital records and identification cards.

  • Birth, death, marriage or divorce records. Learn where to request copies of vital records at this website from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • Social Security cards can be replaced through the Social Security Administration.
  • If your driver’s license expired while you were stationed outside the United States, your state may grant you a grace period to renew. Find out how to renew your driver’s license.

Military Records

If you have been discharged from the U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy or Coast Guard, you can request military service records from the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Find additional information for your branch below.

Air Force: Retirees and Airmen who have separated from the Air Force should contact:

AFPC's Total Force Service Center

Phone: 800-525-0102 or DSN 665-0102 

Army: Read about Accessing or Requesting Your Official Military Personnel File Documents.

Coast Guard: Read about obtaining archived Coast Guard personnel records.

Marine Corps: Learn how to request your Official Military Personnel File (OMPF), which is a history of your career from entrance into the Marine Corps or Marine Corps Reserve, until severance.

Navy: Learn more about how to locate and order your military personnel records from the Records Management Policy Branch.

Merchant Mariners: Contact the National Maritime Center (NMC) for mariner record requests.

Experience and Training Records

The Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET) Document, DD Form 2586, lists all your military experience and training. You can use this information to help write your resume or fill out applications for jobs, training or education. When applying to schools, show them a copy of your transcripts to find out if your military education and training can add credits toward a degree.

Service members can order a copy of their VMET online from the Department of Defense milConnect site. The Coast Guard uses a different system, the Joint Service Transcript

The Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) provides transcripts from the Air University Registrar.